November 30 - December 11, 2026

Licensed Human Element Practitioner™ Program

This is the flagship offering of The Human Element body of work—a cutting-edge, scientifically validated methodology that has been developed and refined over the last 70 years. You will learn to use The Human Element methodology and its full range of content. The program is led by Ethan Schutz, a sought-after executive advisor and the global expert on The Human Element approach.

Upon completion, you are licensed in the world’s leading approach for producing the human dynamics of breakthrough performance, joining an active network of hundreds of licensed practitioners from around the world.

You gain access to and are trained in the full breadth of The Human Element tools, content, and practices that have been proven over decades to transform organizations rapidly and reliably, accelerate their growth, and expand results.

Program Leader(s):

Ethan Schutz, Master LHEP™

Who Should Attend:

This program is designed for senior level executives and emerging organizational leaders, as well as specialists in the fields of talent development and organizational transformation.

Key Takeaways:

  • A mastery in the human dynamics of organizations and breakthrough performance
  • Access to all the materials, tools, and resources of The Human Element that have been developed and refined over decades to impact behavior and results
  • Membership to a global community of forward-thinking organizational leaders licensed in this work
  • A whole new level of effectiveness and leadership in your organization and in your life
  • An opening for a more joyful and creative existence


All times Eastern

In-person Session – November 30 – December 11, 2026:

  • Day 1-5: 9:00am to 10:00pm (with dinner break)
  • Day 6: 9:00am to 7:00pm
  • Day 7: OFF
  • Day 8-11: 9:00am to 10:00pm (with dinner break)
  • Day 12: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Virtual Session – January 27-28, 2027:

  • Day 1-2: 11:00am to 6:00pm

You MUST attend all dates of the program.




Tuition & Packages

We strongly recommend that you stay on-site. With the all-inclusive packages, you will spend more time with your peers and build relationships further as you journey through this program together. Due to the location of the program, it is logistically challenging to venture offsite for meals. Staying on-site allows you to have meals with the group and to be prompt for all programming times as scheduled. All participants must be fully present and engaged for all activities.

Please note that our package prices are only available on our website.

Contact us to find out more about our government, non-profit and educational discounts.

Single Occupancy

$ 14,790
  • Tuition ($10,000)
  • Room with king sized bed at Tarrytown House Estate for 12 nights (one guest in room)
  • 3 full meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) buffet style
  • Continuous refreshments from 9am to 5pm.
  • Free WiFi
  • Fitness Facility (full-sized gym, racket ball)

Double Occupancy

$ 13,504 (per person)
  • Tuition ($10,000)
  • Room with 2 full size beds (2 guests in room) for 12 nights
  • 3 full meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) buffet style
  • Continuous refreshments from 9am to 5pm
  • Free WiFi
  • Fitness Facility (full-sized gym, racket ball)

Offsite Stay

$ 10,000
  • Tuition
  • 3 full meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) buffet style
  • Continuous refreshments from 9am to 5pm
  • Free WiFi in meeting room